Girls Trip to Virginia

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end]OMG weekend where are you? Working on this post got me SUPER antsy about the weekend and just wanting to kick back! I need a vacation from my vacation! For this weeks wedding post I’m sharing what I did for my “girls trip”. I will start this off by saying that for this post and any mention here on forward, it will be referred to as a girls trip and NOT a bachelorette. Friends, I am too old for that business and just needed a weekend away with the girls. I present to you, a girls trip to Virginia. [ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end]I WRACKED my brain for fun places to go and wanted to make it worth while as so many of my friends traveled in from both coasts. For me, I wanted it to be relaxed and inexpensive – it feels like a lot to ask of someone…does anyone else feel that way! After a lot of research and planning, I landed in Richmond and Meadow of Dan, Virginia. How did I come to that – welp, I typed in US resort with clay-shooting and Primland was the first place to come up!
[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end]Primland is roughly four hours from Richmond, Viriginia so we needed a home base for all the people traveling in from the west coast – sometimes you forgot how big the US really is! We all met in Richmond for one night and boy did it take us by surprise. We called the Quirk Hotel our home – it was a pink hotel!! The service and staff were so lovely and the rooms were so cozy. There was an adorable gift shop that doubled as an art gallery – the hotel also had  super beautiful rooftop that had gorgeous views of the city. We ate at Lemaire in the Jefferson Hotel (see above) which is the most decadent hotel I’ve ever seen! You bet your ass we had a photoshoot in that sitting area – and a long one ha! The next morning we got up pretty early and hit the road to our country adventure!

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Primland is AMAZING! I have no works for our experience – every minute of it was blast and it got better and better each day! We were greeted to some champagne upon arrival and then went to our rooms to unpack. From there the group gathered and we tried our hat at geo-caching. Remember when they did that on the Real Housewives of NYC? Yup! Totally why we did it. All-in-all it was a super fun adventure through the woods finding little treasures – I highly recommend it!

Our Friday night ended with our hands full of cocktails and a guitarist playing country roads by the fire with s’mores. Life made.

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end]The following day we started at the spa – OMG was it ever amazing. The property was built on Native American land so they have captured the culture / essence and incorporated it in the spa treatments. I had a scrub that was life changing and invigorating!

Following the spa the group split up to do a number of different activities – frisbee golf, horseback riding, archery, tomahawking, etc. Tomahawking is my new favorite activity – I highly recommend it right before your wedding. It will surely relieve any and / or all stress you may have.

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Rent the Runway helped me curate the most amazing wardrobe for the trip and really made me feel special. I wasn’t planning on wearing much white, but when on your girls trip…..They delivered the package of clothing to the hotel in Richmond so that I didn’t need to travel with it – amazing! When I arrived to the hotel it was there waiting for me – perfect! If you are stuck on something to wear, check them out! It was such a lifesaver for me!

To rent / shop the looks I wore on the trip, click below:

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Shop the looks from my TRIP:

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One thought on “Girls Trip to Virginia”

  1. Omgsh, this is amazing and I loved ready about this Girls Trip!! I love everything that you and your girlfriends did!! It sounds like you had so much fun!!

    xo, Sarah

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