Pink Blazer and Matching Pants

[ezcol_1half]Blogger Mary Krosnjar wearing Pink Blazer and Matching Pants[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Blogger Mary Krosnjar wear Pink Blazer and Stan Smith Adidas[/ezcol_1half_end] We have completely skipped spring and have jumped straight to summer here in Chicago, but I am not complaining! Over the weekend I spent some time cleaning out my closet and dusted off my spring / summer fashion and got them all steamed and ready for the season! Today I’m sharing this Pink Blazer and Matching Pants to serve as some spring work wear inspiration – it’s a great way to start bringing color back in to your wardrobe.

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Blogger Mary Krosnjar wearing Foley & Corina faux fur bag and H&M Pink Blazer


Pink Blazer + Pink Suit Pants // This is a great way to add some color in to your spring work wear and a fun twist on corporate wear. I don’t like wearing it as much as the next person so why not have fun with it!

Faux Fur Bag // Love this bag – see how I styled it here too.

Gucci T-shirt // An easy shirt to dress up under a suit or dress down with some denim!

Stan Smith Adidas // These are my go-to shoes on my commutes to work – they pair with everything!

[ezcol_1half]Blogger Mary Krosnjar wearing Pink Blazer and Matching Pants and Gucci T-shirt [/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]Blogger Mary Krosnjar wearing Gucci t-shirt with H&M Pink Blazer[/ezcol_1half_end]

Photography by Iron and Honey

Shop the LOOK:

Pink Blazer | Pink Suit Pants | Faux Fur Bag | Gucci T-shirt | Stan Smith Adidas

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