Love Letters

IMG_5378Valentine’s Day isn’t one of those days to rub your relationship in all the single lovers faces. No. Thats not nice – rather, it’s a day to share with anyone (friend, family, lover) that you love,  because Hallmark says so. To be honest, Brian and I don’t really use Valentine’s Day to say I love you or to buy gifts, but we use it as a day to reflect and stare at all of those on their first date 🙂  We like going back to eat dinner at this hole in the wall Italian place in Chicago where we spent out first Valentine’s Day. We then cap the night off with some Pabst in a can from Richard’s Bar (one of THE best dive bars there is). [ezcol_1half]IMG_5388[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]IMG_5390[/ezcol_1half_end] This day is more about my girlfriends – I love sending them all little gifts as a reminder that I value them and our friendship. Each year I try to think of something fun and gimmicky – something they would appreciate and make them smile 🙂 Today I’m sharing some easy DIY Valentines Gifts that will make your friends feel extra special!


How often do you get mail that isn’t a bill? Not often right? I mean there is nothing more depressing than going to your mailbox every day to only collect bills or spam! Take the time to write your friends a letter, not a text or email, sharing your true appreciation for their friendship. Friends are hard to come by and true / honest / life long friends are even harder to come by. I’m nothing without my girlfriends – they are my rock and support system and wouldn’t have two legs to stand on without them.

White Elephant Designs has the cutest monogrammed items to help your writing creativity! I mean, aren’t these things monogrammed heaven? This monogrammed note pad holder is my favorite and the heart is darling. A love letter is nothing without a pink pen, am I right? These pens from White Elephant Designs are my letter writing mojo. Because one monogrammed piece isn’t enough, I’ve got my pink pens stored in this monogrammed pencil holder – colored ink for perfection.



Do you remember getting candy grams as a kid? There was nothing more fun than getting candy as a gift – sure does make a girl feel special 🙂 Bring me all the chocolate please. There is something so nostalgic about getting candy, especially on Valentine’s Day. I forget about everything else, especially the nutritional facts, and just get lost in the chocolate. Bag up some of your friends favorite candy and tie it off with a glittered tag – like these I found in the Target $1! Side note – I have a serious addiction to the $1 aisle at Target. Very serious. [ezcol_1half]IMG_5405[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]IMG_5415[/ezcol_1half_end]


Monogrammed items are super fun and always pose as a great gift idea – coming from the person who has her own name tattooed on her wrist 🙂 Check out some of my favorite monogrammed gifts below –

For the Beach Goer  | For the Wino | For the Organizer  | For the Fitness Junkie |For the Hostess

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Be sure to check out White Elephant Designs and their cute store here! Happy weekend friends!

Shop the LOOK:

Monogrammed Note Pad Holder  | Monogramed Pencil Jar Monogrammed Letter Holder | Pink Pens | Pink Straws | Dress: SheIn | Shoes: Nordstrom

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13 thoughts on “Love Letters”

  1. I love love love sending real mail because it’s so authentic & thouthful and oddly enough, people appreciate it so much! Lovely post & I like allll of the pinks things 😉

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