Plaid, Feather and Peplums
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[/ezcol_1half_end] Hello friends! Happy Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays! Today I’m sharing a quick holiday look inspired by all things plaid, peplumed and feathered! I love the glitz of holiday fashion with reds, golds, sequins, feathers, etc – it’s like every outfit is a party! I love nothing more than reveling in the spirit of the holiday season – I’m a sucker for all things Christmas!!
Brian and I have safely landed in L.A. and are enjoying the unseasonably cold weather As Chicagoans you are forever cursed no matter where you travel with cold weather – funny enough it’s warmer in Chicago! Such is life! At least the grass is green, flowers are blooming and there are leaves on the trees – it’s the little things in life.
Today’s holiday fashion look has me so excited for this weeks festivities – I love Christmas!! While I might be wearing plaid in this post, tomorrow I’m 90% sure I’ll be in my plaid pajamas all day – Santa’s orders!
Wishing you all a blessed day and a relaxing weekend! I hope there are lots of sugar plums in your future! [ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
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Photography – Iron and Honey