I’ve been a bad blogger and all sorts of neglegent with my writing and posting. Well, life has been a little cray cray, but I’m slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things. Today I’m carrying on my conversation from last weeks Bowl Game fashion inspiration. To check out my previous look here.
Todays look is revolving around the only thing I have a passion for this holiday season – plaid! I like to practice plaid gluttony which consists of pairing multiple plaid pieces – all in the same look – on the same day

I’ve partnered up again with
University Girls Apparel to provide some inspiration in your gameday fashion look! I paired my go-to, repeat offender, plaid skirt from
T+J Designs with this
UG Apparel plaid Nebraska top – the contrast in the plaid is a touchdown! (see what I did there?). Check out the entire
plaid skirt collection – I promise you’ll never look back or leave the site empty handed. While gameday doesn’t always have to be casual, I added these rock stud (imitation) pumps for a whole lot a sass. Try added an element of sass or sexy to your next gameday – go for the two point conversion play over the field goal every time :)To see more of the University Girls Apparel,
check them out here!