Roll Tide Fashion

Hola Sportsanistas!

If you know me, you know that I am a big fan of Alabama Football. Huge actually! 1) Coach Bear Bryant put houndstooth on the map and made the fabric a fashion staple! Click here to learn more from a previous post I did. 2) Coach Nick Saban was born and raised in the GREAT state of WEST VIRGINIA! And that’s all the reasoning you need my friends! In anticipation of tonight’s National Title game in Miami vs. The University of Alabama and Notre Dame, and since early this year I did a post on Notre Dame gameday fashion – check it out here, I’m going to Roll Tide myself out! 

Quick History Lesson: The phrase “Roll Tide” dates back to 1907! “Tide” comes from Crimson Tide, a term given by former Birmingham Age-Herald sports writer, Hugh Roberts. Then “Roll” was just a simple term for saying “Go Tide”! Put them together and you have the greatest American phrase! I like to use it in my everyday…..”Good morning Mary!”, “You too, Roll Tide!”…….”Mam, would you like fries with that?”, “No thank you, Roll Tide!”… I highly encourage you to try it!

Well no Bama fashion post could ever stand on its own two legs if it didn’t have houndstooth! This jacket is old from Sarah Jessica Parker’s old line from Steve & Barrys (now closed), called Bitten. I can’t give it up now….it’s “vintage”. The ox blood pants are brought back from an earlier post, but this is not a repeat offender case. Finally, Serbs of a feather, flock together…..Tina from Acid Raiiin is a super dope designer/model. She is currently based in London and does custom pieces. Check her out at on her blog here! OH and my shoes… they keep my feet warm in the Winter? Negative. Do they keep me looking fresh? Yes. 

Ok that is enough text for one day don’t you think?! Ciao for now! Oh yea, and Merry Christmas to all my Serbs and Greeks out there! Holla!

Jacket: SJP – Bitten (similar) | Pants: The Limited (similar) | Shoes: Aldo (and they are on sale!!) | Hat: Banana Republic (similar) | Top: Acid Raiin – Email Tina at [email protected]

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